which one of the entences is wrong.
1. The new principal of the school consecrates her energies to improving math and science education.
2. The great Shinto Shrine at Ise is consecrated to Amaterasu, a sun goddess.
3. Rather than trust a bank, she consecrates her life savings under the bricks of her hearth.
4. Because of his guilty conscious, michael asks not to be buried in consecrated ground.
My answer: c?
1. The UN imposed sactions against Africa...
2. The pope refused to sanction the marriage....
3. The goalies protest to the referee carried the sanction of her entire team.
4. this wildlife sanction contains many endangered species.
My answer: D?
1. In "The Scarlett Letter" the revernd sanctimonious appearance onceals a secret guilt.
2. the sanctimoniousness of the Indian leader won him profound respect.
3. Some politis sanctimoniously attend church only during election campaigns.
4. although he himself evaded taxes, he himself sanctimoniously accused those who voted against tax increases of lacking public spirit.
My anser: b?
2 answers