which of the following would translate a segment 5 units to
the left and 8 units up? a)-5 -5 and 8 8, b) -2 -4, c) -5 8 and d) -5 8, -2 -4
which of the following translations corresponds to the matrix
{ 2 2 2}
{ -3 -3 -3}
a) a segment is shifted 2 units up, 3 units left
b) a triangke is shifted 2 units to the right, 3 units down
c) a triangle is shifted 2 units up, 3 units left
my answers: 1) b 2) c, am i right?
3 answers
1c. (-5,8).
Which of the following translations corresponds to the matrix ?
i wonder I'm not really good at these things