No, trauma is like describing a physical or mental hindering.(like a brain injury)
Try the second one...STRUGGLE
Which of the following words best describes the concept of "crisis"?
is it a
7 answers
Or, try looking up each definition, and then figure out which one best describes our given word. Try to figure it out for yourself. Because, I am speaking my OWN OPINION..what is YOUR OPINION after you have done the research?
LizzyLiz is right, as far as looking up words you aren't sure of:
Okay, crisis means a situation in which there is danger or deaths. So drama wouldn't be it and trauma, as lizzy said, isn't gonna be either. So, you decide on which to get. B or D.
Hint: The meaning-a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger.
Hint: The meaning-a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger.
Oscar, a thesaurus helps, too:
would it be d
: a very bad event that causes great sadness and often involves someone's death
: a very sad, unfortunate, or upsetting situation : something that causes strong feelings of sadness or regret
: a play, movie, etc., that is serious and has a sad ending (such as the death of the main character)
3 a : an unstable or difficult time or state of affairs <a financial crisis> b : a situation that has become very serious
to contend resolutely with a task, problem, etc.; strive:
7.the process or an act or instance of struggling.
8.a war, fight, conflict, or contest of any kind.
9.a task or goal requiring much effort to accomplish or achieve.
A CRISIS is a serious SRTUGGLE. A TRAGEDY is like something resolving in death with it is most commonly past tense. In a CRISIS it is a current STRUGGLE.
I hope I am explaining this efficiently...
: a very bad event that causes great sadness and often involves someone's death
: a very sad, unfortunate, or upsetting situation : something that causes strong feelings of sadness or regret
: a play, movie, etc., that is serious and has a sad ending (such as the death of the main character)
3 a : an unstable or difficult time or state of affairs <a financial crisis> b : a situation that has become very serious
to contend resolutely with a task, problem, etc.; strive:
7.the process or an act or instance of struggling.
8.a war, fight, conflict, or contest of any kind.
9.a task or goal requiring much effort to accomplish or achieve.
A CRISIS is a serious SRTUGGLE. A TRAGEDY is like something resolving in death with it is most commonly past tense. In a CRISIS it is a current STRUGGLE.
I hope I am explaining this efficiently...