which of the following vertebrates had the chance to become abundant after the dinosaurs became extinct?

a. wolly mammoths
b. amphibians
c. mammals
d. reptiles


23 answers

I agree.
yes that's right
Are all of these questions from Florida Virtual School?
that what i was thinking i go to Florida virtual school
Хороший ответ!
its also from conections
Do all of the online schools have the same questions???? i go to Connections academy and yes that is right
This is correct. I would imagine they do have the same questions.
i'm in Connections, too! i h8 it! but i'm dealin wit it
i wanna go back to public school q-q
me too
Me too
Awwwww i hate connections to
sameee but my parents dont let me because the schools are "bad" as they say
Sameeeee and ya C is right
I go to connections too! They must all have the same questions and answers for online school!
Yeah i had all a's in public school💔
Hey I'm a little late but pls don't commit- there really is so much to live for and if u ever need anyone to talk to I can put my discord if u get back to me, stay safe and take care :(
Actually for safety reasons I probably shouldn't put my discord but you can put your discord and then I'll reach out, sorry if this sounds weird since we don't know each other but suicide isn't the answer and I'd like to help.
Omg I hate connections sooo much also C!!
I love connections! It pushes me to my limits and I enjoy it. I’ve maintained all A’s all year.
Damn 8 years and the questions still don’t change and for different schools too
haha lol! Also, C is still correct