And your choice is? You could look each word up in a dictionary to help decide.
Which of the following structures are tubes?
A. Frontal, maxillary, sphenoidal, ethmoidal
B. Eustachian, pharynx, bronchi
C. Cilia, adenoids, mucous, epiglottis
D. Apex, base, hilum
2 answers
which of the following strutures are tubes?
A. eustachain, pharynx, bronchi
B. Frontal, Malillary, Sphenoidal, Ethmoidal
C. Apex,base, Hilum
D. Cilia, adenoids, mucous, epiglottis
A. eustachain, pharynx, bronchi
B. Frontal, Malillary, Sphenoidal, Ethmoidal
C. Apex,base, Hilum
D. Cilia, adenoids, mucous, epiglottis