Which of the following sentences have proper subject-verb aggrement?
1. The student in our band is going to the football game.
2. The group of fans is making a barrier for the football games.
3. The teams meet in the respective locker rooms before the football game.
4. The cheer leading group are going to the football game.
8 answers
proper or improper?
I think the answer is B.
"group is" is correct. B is wrong.
I see three proper sentences.
my next answer was c
I agree with Ms. Sue. I think your question is phrased incorrectly.
Double-check -- are you looking for the improper or proper S/V agreement. There are 3 properly written sentences plus 1 improperly written question.
Double-check -- are you looking for the improper or proper S/V agreement. There are 3 properly written sentences plus 1 improperly written question.
sentence 4 is incorrect; all the others are correct