Which of the following is true about the magnetic field diagram below.
Its shows
3 Arrows on top pointing to B
3 Arrows on bottom pointing to B
A A is the south pole and B is the north pole
B A is the north pole and B is the south pole
C A and B are repelling each other******
D A and B have no effect on each other
Which of the following choices best describes why the paper clips are attracted to the magnet?
A The paper clips are not magnetic
B The paper clips and the magnet have the same magnetic poles facing each other******
C The paper clips are outside of the magnets magnetic field
D The paper clips are within the magnetic field of the magnet
a student tries to push refrigerator magnets together. These magnets have one side covered in plastic animal faces and the other side exposed. He notices that the exposed sides of the magnets repel each other even though they stick to the refrigerator. Which of the following statements would be true
A the two exposed sides of the magnets have opposite poles********
B The plastic animal faces glued to the magnets cause changes in magnetic properties
C The refrigerator causes the magnets to repel each other
D The two exposed slides of the magnets have similar poles
The following two magnets will attract each other
Both batteries are the same on each side
A true*******
B False
3 answers
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