You are correct
you could have made it easier for yourself had you just changed those fractions into decimals by dividing them on your calculator.
Would have made comparisons real simple
Which of the following houses would you have the greatest probability of getting a crunch bar while trick or treating if the owner is randomly handing out one item to each child?
1) house 1 has 30 crunch bars,20 sour patch kids, 30 Swedish fish
2) house 2 has 25 bags of m&m,20crunch bars, 5 starbursts
3) house 3 has 38 junior mints, 16 snickers,24 crunch bars
I picked #2, I did it a long way but I think I am correct
#1 was 30/80 chance=3/8
#2was 20/50=2/5
#3 24/178
so if I got a common denominater for 1&2 you get 15/40 and 16/40 so #2 is 16/40 is more , so I can get rid of #1 as a choice
now 2&3 I can find a common denom. of 390
156/390(#2) and 120/390(#3) , so #2 is larger here so 2 is the correct answer.
Is this correct?
Thanks for checking my confusing work!
1 answer