Which event killed 50 million–100 million people worldwide after World War I?

a.flu pandemic
b.malaria outbreak
c.earthquake-triggered tsunamis
d.the Bolshevik Revolution

6 answers

Yes. The Spanish flu was devastating.
The correct answer is a
The correct answer is not A:

the spanish flu is the name history has given the outbreak, and people back then believed the lie as they now believe the lie about covid-19

Both were pre-planned with and end goal in sight. last global kingdom before the return of Jesus Christ to destroy it. (how to be saved from the coming tribulation - 4you.ie)

the deaths that were attributed to the Spanish flu were caused by the deployment of mass electrical broadcasting system which operated on the same wavelength/frequency that our body operates on and thus those with weak immune systems could not cope with this new threat to the body. those with strong immune systems adapted and developed mild symptoms which still persist to this day and we think they are normal because everyone has them.

Cause and effect. if one event happens and the same time another one happens then there is a link between the two, ie earthquake and tsunami. because wireless is invisible people cannot see with their senses the link.

But if you a repeated pattern then you can establish that it was related to the effect was related to the cause.

Further evidence, 1940's radar deployed - epidemic
2003 3g deployed sars epidemic
2009 4g h1n1
2019 5g covid-19

Germ Theory- based on the false theory of evolution- how can you explain prophecy in the bible if the theory of evolution is true.
whatreallymakesyouill dot com

I pray that anyone who reads this will keep asking why until they reach the truth.
do no use google which hides the truth and tracks people
but duckduckgo which does the opposite.

use kjv and nasb as these are true to the originals which have not changed since written even though the bible was nearly wiped out by those who oppose God. Remember the one true God is in control. He asks anyone to test their false God prophecy come through. which they wont then you will know they are false.

With so many lies of the devil and he is the master counterfeiter pushing the catholic church(of which i was once belong to) as a false copy of the true Jesus Christ.

repent and turn to God before the great and terrible day of the lord.

Peace and Glory to God our father and the lord Jesus Christ.
Brian its right.......fym
Its the Spanish Flu yall cant just look it up??? THEIR IS A THING CALLED GOOGLE.
brian what drugs are you on and where can i get some