The nomenclature is confusing. The choices could be 1st I.P., 2nd IP etc OR
Do 2nd, 1st, etc refer to the number of the electron. If so then the O atom would look like this.
O [1,2] [3,4] [5,6,7,8] corresponding to
O 1s2....2s2....2p4
I'm guessing it means 1st means IP for the first electron to be removed (which is the lowest), the IP for the 2nd electron to be removed etc. If that's the meaning then the 6th electron to be removed will have the highest IP.
Which electron would have the highest ionization energy for an oxygen atom?
A. 2nd
B. 1st
C. 5th
D. 6th
If it is the highest I was guessing b or d.
2 answers
its the 6th