Where are you getting all of this stuff?

What university/college?
Where do the exercises(questions) come from?
What sources to you have for study?
What percentage are you getting from Jiskha?
Thanks. I'm just curious.

3 answers

Hello BrBob222. I am taking AP chemistry at Laurel Springs In California. The class is through apex and I have a 94% in the class.
1. I am geting the questions from the apex learning website.
2. I do not attend a university/college. I go to Laurel Springs In California. A school that goes from K-12th.
3. This is the same question as number 1.
4. I have a textbook as well as the apex learning website.
5. I compete about 60% of the work on my own. The other 40% I post here for answers. I have a 94% in the class. I would probably have a 93% if submitted all questions here.
Any other questions.
bless your soul. Dr. Bob is rude af (sometimes)