You will have to take it again if it is required for your major. If it is an elective, then you can try an different class. Check the catalogue of courses of the school for an explanation of their subject matter, difficulty and prerequisites, if any.
If it is a required course for your major and you do not want to take it again you should change majors. You might want to write to or request a meeting with the Dean of that major to discuss your options.
when you fail a collge class what happens. Who do I write to ask for an easier class?
4 answers
Ok I wrote my academic counclor and told her I have been lost since day one. I have 4 weeks of this class and im at a 65% my other classes i passed with A,A,A-, and B. reasearch writign im getting a 95% as of now
A suggestion for one thing you might improve. Your spelling needs work. Perhaps you can get one of the many paper-back books that will teach you the "tricks" for spelling.
I have often wondered why anyone would want an easy class. I suppose it is dependent on what you want out of education.
It is hard to speculate in your case, but looking at your writing (and spelling), I am suspicious you need remedial language work. Your writing is far below college level, and you need to work that out before you attempt real college work. Your contact with the academic counselor should work that out, if in fact that person is an academic counselor. Many online "colleges" are in fact not college level, and are more interested in your financal contributions than they are to your educational development.
Good luck.
It is hard to speculate in your case, but looking at your writing (and spelling), I am suspicious you need remedial language work. Your writing is far below college level, and you need to work that out before you attempt real college work. Your contact with the academic counselor should work that out, if in fact that person is an academic counselor. Many online "colleges" are in fact not college level, and are more interested in your financal contributions than they are to your educational development.
Good luck.