when it comes to chunks being ejected the masses are and velocities are 5kg(1737m/s), 10kg (184.3m/s), 100kg (1994m/s), 1000kg (2008m/s)

What happens to the difference between the velocities as the number of chunks increases?

What happens to the kinetic energy of the system after a chuck is ejected? Does it increaase, decrease, or stay the same? Explain.

From your data, as the chunks increase in number (smaller masses), the velocities are smaller. The difference in velocities is larger.

KE has to stay the same...


How come the kinetic energy has to stay the same? What does that have to do with the velocity getting smaller?

I have to tell you, your question left a lot of questions in my mind on what the situation was you were describing. I just assumed conservation of energy. Can you describe the situration here?