when i want to say to take pictures, is it prendre des photos ou des images? And do you use les or des?
2 answers
I would use prendre des photos.. but it doesn't really matter
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Yes, it DOES matter whether you use the definite article, an indefinite article OR the partitive.
definite article = Je prends LES photos = I take/do take/am taking THE photos.
indefinite article = Je prends UNE photo. = I take/do take/am taking A photo.
Of course, when you use the indefinite article in the plural, you must use the partitive: Je prends des photos. = I take/do take/am taking SOME photos.
definite article = Je prends LES photos = I take/do take/am taking THE photos.
indefinite article = Je prends UNE photo. = I take/do take/am taking A photo.
Of course, when you use the indefinite article in the plural, you must use the partitive: Je prends des photos. = I take/do take/am taking SOME photos.