When I say four thousand houses in Spanish, is it gender dependent like cuatra mil ollas or do I simply say cuatro mil ollas. I know the numbers from 200-900 are gender dependent but I'm not sure when you get to the four in front of thousand houses because casa is feminine-I'm thinking it's not gender dependent but I'm not sure.

Thank you for helping

4 answers

I sent this to Sra.
one thousand = mil
two thousand = dos mil
three thousand = tres mil
four thousand = cuatro mil
on up to one hundred thousand = cien mil
one hundred three thousand = ciento tres mil

Just be careful with the compounds including "un"
twenty-one thousand = veintiún mil
thirty-one thousand = treinta y un mil

Feel free to ask any other question.

Thank you so much SrJMcGin for responding and clarifying that for me.
You are entirely welcome!
