When an electron moves from A to B along an electric field line in Fig. 24-29, the electric field does 3.66 x 10-19 J of work on it. What are the electric potential differences (a)VB - VA, (b)VC - VA, and (c)VC - VB?
in the picture there r four field lines going from down to up that is from B to A. C is on otheer field line along the curve joining B with C. they r in eqvipotential.
shouldnt it be that B and C are along equipotential line so their potential difference is zero?
4 answers
I answered this yesterday. Yes. B and C are along an equipotential line, not a field line
yes u answered it yesterday bt i got Vc-Va and Vc-Vb wrong so i wanted to clear my doubt that Vb-Va should be zero?
VB - VA is not zero. Work is done on the electron moving from A to B. Since its charge is negative, the voltage is higher at B. I may have gotten the signs wrong in my previous answer.
You make a statement that B and C ar equipotential, so the voltages there are the same
You make a statement that B and C ar equipotential, so the voltages there are the same
parts a and b should be the same since its the same radial distance from equipotential line that A is on, right?