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When an animated cartoon was made of Animal Farm, it was given a happy ending. Animals everywhere hear that Napoleon has betrayed the cause of animalism. They join in a second revolution and succeed in overthrowing him. This leads to the establishment of the original ideal socialist society, embracing freedom and true equality. Write an essay expressing whether you think this happy ending could possibly happen or if it is, as one critic noted, nonsensical. Use at least three references from the novel to support your ideas.
6 answers
Thank you. I need an opinion on this. Whats your's? And what is animalism?
Thanks for your help. But I figured it out on my own. I don't need websites like Spark Notes and Wikipedia to help me. Plus they are not reliable sources because people can go in and edit the page and put in whatever they want. But thank you. In the future I expect an answer from you suppposedly teachers..don't just give me the websites. I don't just want the answer though, it was my mistake to just put write me an essay on this just a sensible opinion or mini answer from you guys. Thank you! Have a great day! :)
The answer by the way to this question is... A happy ending would be nice, but it is nonsensical because first of all this is not how it happened in the novel. Second, a socialist society does not represent freedom and true equality. I have other answers and reasons and references but I don't want to post it because other ppl may just steal my answer.
If all you do is post your entire assignment, not much will happen since no one here will do your work for you. But if you are specific about what you don't understand about the assignment or exactly what help you need, someone might be able to assist you.
If you are already able to do your own work, then you don't need to post here, right? You'd need to post only when you have a specific question about the assignment or what you are thinking of as the answer.
If you are already able to do your own work, then you don't need to post here, right? You'd need to post only when you have a specific question about the assignment or what you are thinking of as the answer.