whats a sentence for rivals, otanist, nurient.

5 answers

sorry the 2nd one is is botanist
Any good dictionary should be able to help you figure out how to write a sentence for these words. Here are two:


Look up each word and give it a try. Post what you come up with, and someone here will be able to comment or correct you.
Look each word up in a good dictionary. A Thesaurus will give you synonyms and antonyms, if your dictionary does not. Select a word you are already familiar with, write a sentence with that and then substitute the new word.

Rival = a person or group that competes with another

botanist = somebody with an expert scientific knowledge of, or a strong interest in, plants

nutrient = a substance that provides nourishment, e.g. the minerals that a plant takes from the soil or the constituents in food that keep a human body healthy and help it to grow

* Note the spelling it's Nutrient, not nurient.
After knowing their definiton, what they mean you should easily be able to come up with some sentences for each of those words.