what would be a good conclusion to my paper on non-material things. my non-material things are love of freinds and family, feelings of haveing a safe home and how i feel about nature type thing. plse give me some ideas. It has to have a power ending

thxs in advance happy holidays

2 answers

Here are some excellent websites with information on what to include in your conclusion.



You should also have a look at your introduction and make sure your thesis statement is crystal clear. Your conclusion needs to reemphasize those ideas (not just repeat them) and conclude the paper in which you proved your thesis statement true.
Maybe you could put the things you most value into Christmas presents... a hug in a big round box snuggly tied with a bow.... a puppy's lick, the chair one of your parents always sits in, a cuppa tea and ginger cookie....the sun creeping under the shade in the morning to warm the cat's tummy... the first daffodil. I think that would make a really meaningful ending.