What were the indegenous people of Peru called? All I know is that they were not called the Incas.

4 answers

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Before the Incas there were many Precolombian cultures (los Chancas, Mochica, Moche, los Wari) and it's interesting to note that while the Egyptians were building their pyramids in Egypt, pyramids were also being build in PerĂº!

Perhaps you are thinking of the quechuas because their language is still alive today in PerĂº

Thank you. My teacher said that it wasn't the Incas because that was the name of the emperor. He was called the Inca. However I still don't know what they were called.
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum again. Los incas were the advanced indians that Pizarro conquered. He captured the emperor Atahualpa and through him controlled the Incas.

i need help on presentacions