Ahau-Kin - Called the 'lord of the sun face'. The god of the sun, he possessed two forms - one for the day and one at night. During the day he was a man with some jaguar features, but between sunset and sunrise he became the Jaguar God, a lord of the underworld who travelled from west to east through the lower regions.
What was the Mayan name for the Jaguar God of the Underworld?
Could you also please type the website where you found it?
I only found that Hau was the God of the Underworld. I don't know if it was a Jaguar God.
2 answers
Some additional information:
The Jaguar God of Terrestrial Fire
The Jaguar God of Terrestrial Fire is recognizable by a 'cruller' around the eyes (making a loop over the nose), jaguar ears, and jaguar fangs. He represents the number Seven, which is associated with the day Ak'b'al 'Night'. He is usually called 'Jaguar God of the Underworld' and assumed to be the 'Night Sun',-- that is he is believbed to take the shape of the sun during his nightly journey through the underworld.
God L
God L (according to the designation of codical gods), one of the major aged Mayan deities, and associated with black sorcery and riches, belongs to the jaguar deities: He has jaguar ears and a jaguar mantle and lives in a jaguar palace. Some take him to be the main ruler over the Underworld, and in that sense, god L would have to be considered the true “Jaguar God of the Underworld”
Here is a PDF to download: www.wayeb.org/notes/wayeb_notes0030.pdf
God L: B’Olon Yokte’ K’uh = new Jaguar God
The Jaguar God of Terrestrial Fire
The Jaguar God of Terrestrial Fire is recognizable by a 'cruller' around the eyes (making a loop over the nose), jaguar ears, and jaguar fangs. He represents the number Seven, which is associated with the day Ak'b'al 'Night'. He is usually called 'Jaguar God of the Underworld' and assumed to be the 'Night Sun',-- that is he is believbed to take the shape of the sun during his nightly journey through the underworld.
God L
God L (according to the designation of codical gods), one of the major aged Mayan deities, and associated with black sorcery and riches, belongs to the jaguar deities: He has jaguar ears and a jaguar mantle and lives in a jaguar palace. Some take him to be the main ruler over the Underworld, and in that sense, god L would have to be considered the true “Jaguar God of the Underworld”
Here is a PDF to download: www.wayeb.org/notes/wayeb_notes0030.pdf
God L: B’Olon Yokte’ K’uh = new Jaguar God