What type of society & government is Brave New World by Aldous Huxley? And what aspect from the novel is relatable to history or modern society?
I need to find something to challenge(a topic/idea/argument Huxley made in his novel) and write a research paper to back up my argument.Thinking of totalitarian(but I am not sure its totalitarianism or communism or something else I am unaware of) perspectives of social order and stability and relating to to history(russian revolution, chinese cultural revolution, communism, etc.) But I don't know how to formulate this and make proper research. I don't think my topic is the right fit for a topic.
I want to write social commentary and governmental obfuscation of reality etc. and critique the legitimacy of the author's depictions of the topic. Basically, I wish to better understand the various aspects and perspectives of the type of society(what is the name/type?) employed by Brave New World and how I can narrow it down to one topic with context to modern society or history as means of evidence/support.
Any suggestions? Thanks.
2 answers
For parallel examples in history or in the contemporary world, there really are none. No government uses pharmaceuticals to maintain control. You can make a parallel or analogy with governments that use propaganda to convince people that all is well. Most notably, the Third Reich in Germany did just that. Another example is Stalinist Russia (Soviet Union). Another might be military rule in Argentina in the late 20th century (not so long ago). Or Pinochet in Chile, or Cambodia under dictatorial rule in the 1980s.
Make sure you understand what totalitarianism is. Read about the concept by putting the word in your search engine (Google, Bing, whatever you use) and find articles that define it and give examples. Also look up oligarchy and communism. Communism is an economic system, not a form of government, although it's often confused with Russian and Chinese totalitarianism or oligarchies.