What type of relationship exsited between the spanish and native americans living in north america?

4 answers

You will find here at Jiskha that long series of questions, posted with no evidence of effort or thought by the person posting, will not be answered. We will gladly respond to your future questions in which your thoughts are included.
That was not a very nice reply to the question that I have posted I only went to this web site to get my questions answered or to lead me in the right direction to find the answere I seek if your site is not able to help me then I wish that you could point me in the right direction. Not point out that I am trying to get answeres that I already know I need to know the answere to anyhow yes I wrote that I want the answere or I would not be on this site.
You need to keep in mind that we do not do your work FOR YOU, but we can help you find the information you need and comment on any ideas or papers you write.

In other words, we expect you to be involved in your own learning, finding your own answers ... just as your teacher does, no doubt.

Please know that you will learn nothing if you expect others to do your work for you.
Be sure to use the websites that Ms. Sue and Sra have given you in a post below.