I apologize for the misunderstanding. Let's clarify:
If you were referring to the value expressed as \(-8\sqrt{}\), it seems like there might have been a misunderstanding in interpreting the expression. If you meant \(-8\sqrt{1}\), that would equal \(-8\), which is rational.
However, if the intended expression was something like \(-8\sqrt{2}\), and you are multiplying that by \(\frac{4}{5}\):
-8\sqrt{2} \times \frac{4}{5} = -\frac{32\sqrt{2}}{5}
In this case, \(-\frac{32\sqrt{2}}{5}\) is indeed an irrational number because it contains the square root of 2, which is irrational.
So, if you meant \(-8\sqrt{2}\), then your conclusion that the result is an irrational number would be correct.
Thank you for your patience, and I hope this clears things up! If this interpretation is still not what you meant, please provide clarification.