I let a paper sit for a few hours or overnight before revising. Then I go over it carefully, making sure the words say exactly what I want to say.
I accept feedback from another source if I feel that source is an expert or the feedback makes sense to me.
See above.
Now -- what are YOUR answers to the above questions???
What strategies do you use for revising a paper?
How do you know when to accept feedback from another source?
What makes feedback valuable to you?
3 answers
Once excellent method of revising is after letting it sit a bit, read it out loud from back to front. If it does not flow properly, if there are leaps in logic, if there are grammatical errors, you will quickly see them. Look especially at your conclusion; then read the topic sentences of each of the paragraphs; then read the thesis statement. Do they all relate as they should?
Here are a couple of excellent websites with checklists that can help you revise and edit successfully: