What steps has the international community taken to address humanitarian crises throughout the twentieth and twenty- first centuries, including human rights abuse? Evaluate the effectiveness off the international response to at least two human rights issues.

19 answers

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Problems that are dealt with regarding human rights abuses and humanitarian crises: poverty, slavery, people being tortured/abused, etc. The international response can help by giving the needed $$$ to repair lost homes, or to provide food and clothing health, and schooling. You can help by volunteering, or donating money/essential items

*This is from Brainly, just helping peeps out who still might need this.*
Thanks buddy :)
The international community mainly deals with issues somewhere along the lines of poverty, natural disaster, rebuilding after the destruction of war, human enslavement or abuse by funding effected individuals, offering free (or reduced costs for) school, health care, food, clean (drinkable) water to help get them back up, on their feet.

Citizens, like yourself, can easily help to support this cause by donating to specific causes, or charities, around the world, that work towards the purpose. Or, if you REALLY want to be a bigger help to those in need, around the globe... doing your research on the particular issue, and then creating your OWN, little organization to fix those things can ALSO be just as great of a help (if not potentially MORE, depending on the issue), then merely donating a ton of money to an organization that may not always do exactly what you think might me necessary to solve the problem(s). Just keep in mind, however, that setting up your own organization may not be capable of the same things a preexisting, heavily funded organization might... so if you're GOING to look to make a difference, you should certainly do as much research on the topic, as possible, beforehand, in order to make the MOST amount of a positive difference in the world.

(As an FYI, this essay was about 90% opinionated, written in my own words, but hopefully it might help you get some better ideas, rewording it in your own essays. Good luck [potently fellow grads]! :D)
thx Jelly, school year almost doneπŸ™‡
RIGHT. BRUH I CANT wAIT TIL THIS YEAR IS OVERR!!! But what sucks is when summer hits my chore list is gonna be fye
you really need the school seeing as you can't create a coherent sentence. lame.bxrbie
You forgot to capitalize your 'Y' at the beginning of your sentence, Grammer Police.
You really need the schooling seeing as you cannot form a cohesive and coherent sentence, Grammar Police
Oh my gosh reading these is so funny ngl
I’m deaaaadddd
yall r funny lol
I think we all need to chill and have a GoGurt.
i hate school
bruh this homeschool stuff is so stupid
this is funny af
I'm glad you're enjoying yourself! However, try to stay on-topic and respectful to others. Do you have any specific questions or concerns regarding your studies?