what main reason did congress initially refuse to annex texas
If the united states annexed texas it would almost certainly cause a war with mexico ***
If the united states annexed texas it would enter as a free state and anger southerners
If the united states annexed texas slave states would outnumber free states
If the united states annexed texas it would jeopardize the country other claims in California
if you could please check if i got this right thankss
11 answers
No. Texas was already independent of Mexico.
Nope. Remember, this was shortly before our Civil War.
I know that this is two years later and you probably dont care but you actually are correct. The fact that there was the republic of Texas, but also unknown borders of Texas, if the US took Texas there would be war between where the borders are(because they would cut into Mexico), and there was(The Mexican-American War).
Omg give me the right answer uhh you guys are stupid
Don’t need to be mean to other peoples our hurting there feelings
What he or she said
Stop it
but seriously I'm struggling
please just say the answer please
2 years later and still no answer, this is great^^
if the united states annexed texas, slave states would almost certainly outnumber free states
if the united states annexed texas, it would almost certainly mean war with mexico
trust me
if the united states annexed texas, it would almost certainly mean war with mexico
trust me