What Language should I learn? Mandarin or French?

3 answers

Why not learn both?
Learning both will give you a chance to have a first hand knowledge of which one suits you better.

Also, you may want to consider which one might help you in your future career/travels.
What do you plan to do for a career? Which would be more important for that career? What is your ethnic background because then you could communicate with relatives in other countries. Where would you like to travel and/or live one day?

My suggestion would be to begin one language and then the next year, begin the other. Often, taking 2 new languages at the same time, becomes confusing.

French used to be the universal language but it is not English. Mandarin is more important in the business world, with all the business with China. But, remember that the written language is not at all like Germanic languages, for example, or Romance languages, like French, Spanish, Italian, etc.
