apple corer
aluminum pan
what kitchen utensil or equipment starts with the letter "A"
3 answers
and atomizer!
It took a while to think of this word!
Main Entry: [1]au·to·clave
Pronunciation: 'o-tO-"klAv
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from aut- + Latin clavis key —more at CLAVICLE
Date: 1876
: an apparatus in which special conditions (as high or low pressure or temperature) can be established for a variety of applications; especially : an apparatus (as for sterilizing) using superheated steam under high pressure
Main Entry: [1]au·to·clave
Pronunciation: 'o-tO-"klAv
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from aut- + Latin clavis key —more at CLAVICLE
Date: 1876
: an apparatus in which special conditions (as high or low pressure or temperature) can be established for a variety of applications; especially : an apparatus (as for sterilizing) using superheated steam under high pressure