I have no idea what the "model documents Gallery" is.
Unwanted reactions? Unwanted by whom? If your service is not needed, or the cost is unjustified, or your presentation stinks, then they ought to XXXXX you. Is this an unwanted reaction?
You have to focus on customers needs (in performance, cost, and schedule). Focus on that and how you can meet those. If you don't do that, you are unwanted, and deserve to be XXXXX. Now if you do that, and do it well, and the "committee" XXXXXX you, you really don't want to do business with them, do you? In the long run, that business is painful and costly.
I am not certain the entire point of the assignment, unless it is trying to make you focus on the importance of communication, which lots of folks can really use some remedial instruction.
Review the email samples, perhaps that will give you a clue.
What kinds of unwanted reactions might you encounter when trying to convince the business committee to accept your proposal for a new service? What steps can you take to ensure you convey the purpose of your message to the audience?
„h Review appropriate and inappropriate email samples in the Model Documents Gallery. Draft an informative email to one person on the committee and a positive email to another person on the committee. In the emails, explain the purpose of your presentation. Explain how these two emails differ.
2 answers
Try here for th e "model documents gallery:"
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