You need to figure then why these are correct.
what is wrong with these names?provide the correct name for each.
i.2-Dimethylpentane {4]
ii.2-Ethylpentane {4}
iii.5,5-Dimethyl-3-ethylhexane {4]
4 answers
i. only one location of the substituent is represented on the name.
ii.i disagree on this one i think the correct name here is 2-methylhexane because the longest chain is 6 carbons long not 5 carbons
iii.the parent chain is numbered incorrectly
ii.i disagree on this one i think the correct name here is 2-methylhexane because the longest chain is 6 carbons long not 5 carbons
iii.the parent chain is numbered incorrectly
you are correct, I was thinking on ii cyclohexane.
thank you very much