what is the translation of this spanish poem - "La puerta se cerro detras de ti Y asi detras de ti se fue mi amor

Creyendo quepodria convincer a tu alma

de mi padecer La puerta se cerro detras de ti Y nunca mas volviste aparecer Dejaste abandonada la illusion Que habia en mi corazon por ti

Pero es Que no supiste soportar

Las penas Que nos dio

La misma adversidad asi como tambien

La puerta se cerro detras de ti
Y nunca mas volviste aparecer
Dejaste abandonada la illusion
Que habia en mi corazon por ti
ios fin felicidad nos vino a castigar con el dolor
La puerta se cerro detras de ti
se fue mi amor
Creyendo que podria convencer a tu alma de mi padecer
Pero es que no supiste soportar
Las penas que nos dio
La misma adversidad asi como tambien
Nios fin felicidad nos vino a castigar con el dolor
La puerta se cerro detras de ti
Y nunca mas volviste aparecer Dejaste abandonada la illusion
La puerta se cerro detras de ti
Y nunca mas volviste aparecer Dejaste abandonada la illusion
Que habia en mi corazon por ti"

3 answers

Believing your soul quepodria Convincer

of my suffering The door closed behind you and never again appear Dejaste abandoned the illusion that was in my heart for you

But you could not bear

The penalties that gave us

The same adversity as well as also

The door closed behind you
And never again appear
You left abandoned the illusion
That was in my heart for you
ios so happy we came to punish with pain
The door closed behind you
And never again APPEAR
it was my love
Believing he could convince you of my suffering soul
But you could not bear
The penalties that gave us
The same adversity as well as also
Nios so happy we came to punish with pain
The door closed behind you
And never again appear Dejaste abandoned the illusion
The door closed behind you
And never again appear Dejaste abandoned the illusion
That was in my heart for you "
La puerta se cerro detras de ti Y asi detras de ti se fue mi amor =
The door closed behind you, so you went behind my love
sorry lol forgot to add this
If you are studying Spanish in college, you should at least make an attempt at translating this poem! Get a good dictionary, read as much as you can, ONLY looking up words here and there to get the meaning. That will be your vocabulary list to learn!

In Spanish, or any other language, you must read at least 3 times. The first time for a general idea of what the poem is about, the second time looking up any words you MUST look up and the third time so it will flow much better with comprehension.

The door closed behind you and thus behind you went my love.

(A MUST also in Spanish is to put the accent marks where they belong. se cerró. If you don't know how to make accent marks with the computer, learn! We can send you charts if we know the following: PC or MAC? Windows or not?)

Believing that I would be able to convince your soul of my suffering the door closed behind you and you never again appeared. (There is a misprint here - either you forgot the "a" in front of the infinitive or it began the next sentence?) You left the illusiion abandoned. What was in my heart for you. (Qué = what but que = that)

But it is (probably que, not capitalized?) that you didn't know h ow to put up with the sorrows that it gave us. The same adversity as well also.

The door closed behind you and never again did you appear. You left the illusion (can also mean delusion or dream) abandoned that there was in my heart for you. (misprints?) The end of happiness for us came to punish us with the pain.

(Nios? No such word.) I've already translated what you are repeating. Now I'll have to go find the poem to see what it REALLY looks like. :(
