'What is the tone of the poem El Olvido? Describe the speaker's attitude towards the subject and support your description by commenting on word choice and rhythm.'

The tone of the poem ‘El Olvido’ is intense as a mother prays for her child who has forgotten all the important things of his past such as his birthplace, his religion, the voices of his ancestors, and the clothes he was born to wear. The speaker is frightened as she prays for his soul. This is shown in lines 12-13 of the poem: “before which your mother kneels, praying with embarrasing fervor.” The speaker is also demanding as she tells three kids that forgetfulness is a dangerous thing. This is made obvious in the poem because the phrase ‘it is a dangerous thing’ is repeated several times throughout the poem.


3 answers

MC... she is terrified that her son will lose his "being" ( who he is) as characterized by his background, his religion. Demanding has nothing to do with it. When I saw my son starting to cross the street and I screamed like a banshee, I was not being demanding, I was scared spitless that he was going to get run over. As I said before FEEL the poem..... put your feet in her shoes.
Ok, thank you so much Guru!

In the Poem El Olvido, the mother is not speaking to three children. She is praying for the intercession of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Jesus, being the Christ and God, and Mary and Joseph, being Jesus' earthly parents.
Recall the line above about praying to "plaster" saints. The mother is imploring the saints to join her in praying for her wayward child.