Did you look up the word, Excise? The Excisemen were the British tax collectors.... you need to look up what they did to the colonist merchants.
1764 – boycotts/resolutions to protest the Sugar Act
1765 – Stamp Act Congress and Virginia Resolutions in response to the Stamp Act and Quartering Act
1767 – Colonists respond with boycotts and non-importation agreements to the Townshend Acts (Duties)
1773 – Boston Tea Party occurs in response to the Tea Act (also occurs in other port cities)
1774 – First Continental Congress organized in response to Intolerable/Coercive Acts (includes Quebec Act, Boston Port Act, new Quarting Act)
What is the picture of Paying the Exciseman portraying? Here is what I said. There is a tree with the word Liberty on it in the background, there is a sign that is upside down that reads Stamp Act on it and hanging from the tree is a noose. There is a Patriot man holding down a man that has been tarred and feathered, which looks like the Exciseman, while another man is pouring something down his throat, possible tea. In the background was a ship with people throwing tea overboard. My question is this what the the picture is portraying or is it asking something else? Please help.
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