My education is completely lacking on the particle model but perhaps this site will help you get started.
what is the particle model for the reatction of iron and sulphur?
3 answers
The web page DrBob referred to gets into the relationship between a definite mass ratio and a definite particle ratio. The particle model of matter becomes the explanation of the definite mass ratio.
A less profound but accurate answer might be to merely write the chemical equation for the reaction:
Fe + S --> FeS
8Fe + S8 --> 8FeS,
depending what formula you use for sulfur. The chemical equation should be explained in words.
A less profound but accurate answer might be to merely write the chemical equation for the reaction:
Fe + S --> FeS
8Fe + S8 --> 8FeS,
depending what formula you use for sulfur. The chemical equation should be explained in words.
moles of CuCl2+2H2O