what is the origin word of humanities?

1 answer

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here is the etymology of the word:

humanity Look up humanity at Dictionary.com
c.1384, from O.Fr. humanité, from L. humanitatem (nom. humanitas) "human nature, humanity," from humanus (see human). Originally in Eng. "kindness, graciousness;" sense of "human race" first recorded c.1450. Humanities (L. literæ humaniores) were those branches of literature (ancient classics, rhetoric, poetry) which tended to humanize or refine. Humanitarian (1819) originally was "one who affirms the humanity of Christ (but denies His divinity);" first used 1844 in modern sense of "one who advocates or practices human action;" usually disparaging at first, with a suggestion of excess.