What is the next logical number in the following number sequence? and Why?

5, 8, 14, 26

9 answers

Questions like this may contain multiple answers, as long as the explanation is logical. Here's one that comes to mind:

Take the difference between the numbers and examine the generated sequence of three numbers:
It seems that the difference doubles every time, so the next differences are 24, 48, 96, ...
Thus the continuation of the sequence is:
where the difference doubles every time.
I thought 24 would be the next number in the sequence, but I am being given a list of numbers, one of which is the correct answer. The choices of the correct answer are:
38, 40, 41, or 50
I understand it now.
When the differences between the numbers doubles each time, then I add 24 to the final number of 26 = 50.
Thanks so much for helping this
mathematically challenged person!

y=next number
x=lastest number
1 2 3 4 5 6
_______________________________________4 15 32 55 84 119

find the 20th term for to this table.
i need help with this partter
n 1,2,5,7,11 give me numbers that follow the parttern
What is the tru? 12,28,48 ar 16,32,48?
5, 8, 14, 26, 47, 80, 128