What is the meaning of validity, truth, and soundness as they relate to the area of logical syllogisms?

What are the two formal fallacies

deductive and inductive

What is the meaning of validity, truth, and soundness as they relate to the area of logical syllogisms?

What is the meaning of validity,truth and soundness as they relate to the area of logical syllogism?

What is the meaning of validity,truth and soundness as they relate to the area of logical syllogism?

. What is the meaning of validity, truth, and soundness as they relate to the area of logical syllogisms?

What is the meaning of validity, truth, and soundness as they relate to the area of logical syllogisms?

What is the meaning of validity, truth, and soundness as they relate to the area of logical syllogisms?

What is the meaning of validity, truth, and soundness as they relate to the area of logical syllogisms?

3 answers

"What are the two formal fallacies

deductive and inductive"

This is incorrect. tHe tow formal fallacies are conditional arguments and syllogisms.

deduction and induction are the two main categories of logic.
What is the meaning of validity,truth and soundness as they relate to the area of logical syllogism?
G > (J > O) ~ ~ M v V
~ O * ~ ~ J ~ V > K
/ ~ G ~ (K * M)
/ V

(L * A) > Z W v S
~(~ L * T) S > ~ (P > V)
A / S = ~ W
/ Z v T

Rules of replacment- DeMorgans Rule**