And you think ... ?
Posting things like this in which you expect others to do the reading you're supposed to have done is just nuts. Who has the time??
What is the main idea of this passage?
(look up fighting hitler a holocaust story scholastic scope pdf on google).
What is the main idea of this poem?
(look up A Wagon Of Shoes - Poem by Abraham Sutzkever).
Tell why scope magazine decided to pair these texts together (why are they similar)?
7 answers
I did real both but I'm stupid af and don't understand the main idea
What did you learn from the story? If necessary, read it again?
I will ^^
Please leave the tutoring to the tutors. When you have mastered how to use punctuation and correct spelling, maybe I'll find you credible. It's not your job to tutor other students. That's our job as tutors. Okay?
Well I have read the poem like twice and still need help understanding it but I found the main idea of the article.
You don't understand the poem? Where did those shoes come from? Who did they belong to? Where are the people who wore those shoes now? Rotting in a pit? Who exterminated them? Does the author celebrate the missing people, or mourn them?