What is the immediate effect of some buys domestically produced dog food for his posh 3-star restaurant, Epicurean Retreat, on U.S. GDP and its components????
Please give me some ideas to do it!!!!!!!!!!
5 answers
Your question doesn't make any sense to me. Please check for typos and make sure this is the exact question you're supposed to answer.
Identify the immediate effect of this following event on U.S. GDP and its components:
Someone buys domestically produced dog food for her posh 3-star restaurant, Epicurean Retreat.
Someone buys domestically produced dog food for her posh 3-star restaurant, Epicurean Retreat.
Good grief! Such a bonehead act can't possibly affect the US GDP.
For real?
So what about someone, at the age of 94, retires reluctantly and receives a Social Security check?
So what about someone, at the age of 94, retires reluctantly and receives a Social Security check?
Do you understand GDP? Please study this article carefully.
Where the dickens did you find these questions. "A 94-year-old retires reluctantly"?????
Where the dickens did you find these questions. "A 94-year-old retires reluctantly"?????