What is the French of comma, period, question mark, etc...


1 answer

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. If I forgot any punctuation you'd like, let us know!

1. comma = la virgule
2. period =le point (in grammar)
3. question mark = le point d'interrogation
4. exclamation mark = le point d'exclamation
5. semicolon = le point-virgule
6. colon = les deux points (grammar)
7. ampersand (&) = l'esperluète
8. parenthesis = la parenthèse
9. asterisk = l'astérisque
10. in quotes = entre guillemets
11. brackets = entre crochets
12. hyphen = le trait d'union
13. dash = le tiret
14. circumflex (ç) = le circonflexe

That's all I can think of for the moment!
