What is the difference between Citric Acid C6H8O7 and H3C6H5O7? I am seeing both and don't know which is the right one. Is one a solution of citric acid?


1 answer

Both of those formulas are correct for citric acid. They are empirical formulas and you will notice that both are C6H8O no matter how you slice it. The difference. If you are working a problem and citric acid is acting as an acid you want to highlight those H atoms (H ion) because we're used to writing acids with the H first as in HCl, H2SO4, HI, HF, etc. So if we react a base with citric acid it reacts with those 3 we have highlighted by writing them first and not with the other 5. Here is a site that shows the structural formula for citric acid.
Notes those three groups of COOH; those are carboxylic acid groups in organic chemistry and those are the three "acid" hydrogens. Those are the ones that are pulled off in the empirical formula and written at the head of the empirical formula to work with acid/base chemistry.