What is the difference between absolute continuity and differential continuity?

Search does not help as it deals with math not the psychology side. Thanks

9 answers

Your best answer is probably in your text materials.

This site may help you.

Stop acting like a know it all. did you ever think that maybe people have attempted to read the "materials" for these classes and still have no idea what the hell is going on because the texts that are used are useless? I always see Miss Sue posting responses like these. It gets VERY irritating. Try actually helping people for once.
haha...the answers ARE like this the 2 times i have come to this site...no help what so ever...stupid site...
I think you misunderstand the difference between being helped with your academics and just being given the answers instead of putting in any genuine effort on your academics which is obviously what your seeking judging from your pissed off responses.
fkit, your attitude does not deserve help.

Ms. Sue, was pointing out to you that there are not many sources available on the web and the text materials are most likely the most useful source you'll find.

After seeking through Google for clarification, I too was not able to find too many materials. A position Ms. Sue was pointing out to someone who might pay attention to what is being said to them instead of reading into what is not there.

Ms. Sue did try to help by pointing to a site that discusses at least one side of this situation.

I have to agree with her the text seems to be the most useful and definitely is not useless when looking at this topic.

Perhaps it is the student who is useless.
The psychology books we are given are very unhelpful. Ms. Sue has actually said more than once that axia's books are VERY confusing. They 'overly word' things I believe is what she said. Yes, reading the material DOES NOT help. This class is the only class that I have actually been using the internet to help find the answers because of the text. Also, fkit's attitude is from frustration. I know, because I feel the same way. fkit is not coming on here looking for answer, rather looking for help understand what the crap this stuff means. Reading yet another website feels like jumping through another hoop, when all you want is someone to understand that you are frustrated and need assistance; not to be shown another website.
The text is beyond confusing and the definitions are unclear. It's not a matter of having assiggnments done for us, it is a matter of finding a clear concise definiton to help us answer the question. If you type the subject in google these are the sites that pop up. It is very frustrating to not be able to find the information you are looking for and then for people to assume that you are trying to take the easy way out. May be the case for some but not all.
Read the text book again, I have taken this course read the text book!!!!!!!!
I know the book that this person is speaking about and it is a very complex book for this class. Ms. Sue you had said so yourself in another question posted by a different student. I have to agree about this site being unhelpful. I asked whether or not my understanding of something was correct and told, we are not here to do your assignment but to help you, I received no help whatsoever. However, I have seen you, Ms. Sue answer someone's homework question. The question was compare mechanistic and reciprocal interactionism. Sorry to say, this was a discussion question and you answered it for the student. You did tell her the text in her book was very complex for something simple. Student, do you think you might have a different textbook. I have other PSY books I use to help me understand the book for my current class, others download the chapters, I prefer to have the books