What Is the claim
Book notes 65-85
Why were black people chosen for slavery?
•The enslavement into the world at of blacke at thes freedom for whites was intratuced Game time that individual happendi
Black slavery w Was pridy and thout Caused economic exploitation t and entrenched disparities whites. andey, racial aral Caused copark, revplutions seen and
differenty and ordeurs different reasons and religious. to excise rasism: use
Enslaved blacks, were scattered throughout the world as a minority group
Lastly blady enslavement vas the first indance in history that band world-wider for slave trade Support
3 answers
The claim is that black people were chosen for slavery due to economic exploitation, racial disparities, and the desire for power and control. The enslavement of black people was a means of maintaining the freedom and dominance of white individuals. Additionally, racism and prejudice were used to justify and perpetuate the institution of slavery. This system of slavery led to widespread disparities and inequalities that are still felt today.
Simplify the words used
Black people were chosen for slavery because it helped white people maintain power and control. It was a way to exploit them economically and create racial divisions. Racism was used to justify the mistreatment of black people. Slavery caused long-lasting inequalities and disparities that are still present today.