what is the charge on a typical ion for group 1A? how can i figure out the answear to a question like this.. then group 7A,6A,2A

Group 1A has one electron in the outer orbit, it is lost on ionization, and the charge on the metal ion is +1. Group 7a has seven electrons, it gains one electron (octet rule), so the charge is -1.

how do you know how many electrons the group has?

would group 2A be 2+


Group IA has 1 electron in its outer shell; group IIA has 2 electrons in its outer shell; group IIIA has 3 electrons in its outer shell; group VIA has 6 electrons in its outer shell ( and needs to gain two more); group VIIA has 7 electrons in its outer shell (and needs to gain one more). The "B" groups don't follow such a nice pattern but at least ONE of the valences of the B elements will be the group it is in; i.e., Ti is in group IVB and one of the common valences of Ti is +4. It also has +3. Cu, Ag, and Au are in group IA and all have valences of +1. Cu also has +2, Ag has no other COMMON valence, and Au also has +3. Zn, Cd, and Hg are in group IIB and all have valences of +2. Zn and Cd have no other common valence but Hg also has +1. I hope this additional informatin is useful.