what is one of the values revealed through the indian epics
A: the equality of men and women
B: the importance of duty over personal desires
C: the superiority of the nobility
D: the knowledge gained through war and conquest
How did geography affect where ancient peoples settled on the Indian subcontinent?
A: settlements grew in arid areas where herders had some space
B:settlements were built in mountainous regions to avoid invaders
C: settlements developed in river valleys that were fertile for farming
D: settlements developed where cilivizations were previously built
What do archaeologists identify as one possible reason for the decline of the Indus cilvlizations?
A: the Aryana attacked and overran Indus cities
B: to many tress were cut down leaving the Indus with no fuel
C: the Indus experienced a devastating drought
D: the Indus people migrated to a new region
How was aryan society structured?
A: people were divided into social groups based on family wealth?
B: people were divided into social groups based on occupation
C: people were divided into social groups based on religious beliefs
D: people were divided into social groups based on the size of their farm
What is one way that Buddhism differs Hinduism?
A: Buddhism has teachers and spiritual practice
B: Buddhism reclines that people are all interconnected
C: Buddhism rejects a cast system and focuses on mediation
D: Buddhism teaches that a persons actions have consequences for spiritual development.
How do cattle link the Indus and aryan civilizations and modern India?
A: all three populations traded cattel with other cultures
B: all three populations used cattle in their diets
C: all three populations were cattle herding societies
D. All three populations held a special regard for cattle
27 answers
To get you started:
1. B
2. C
Study your text and take it from there.
8.b, d
100% I promise. I just took the quiz.
2. b
3. c
4. B,C
5. b
6. c
7. d
8. b,d