what would happen to your fractions if you changed them all to having a common denominator of 10
4/10 --- 6/10
1/10 --- 3/10
8/10 --- 10/10 or 1
7/10 or 1--- 9/10
13/10 or 1--- 5/10
did you notice that the numerator of the OUT is 2 less than the numerator of the IN ?
What is my rule if my in number is 2/5 and out is 3/5. The next set of numbers are 1/10 and 3/10. The next set just gives me the in number of 4/5, but not out. Next no in number, but 9/10 as my out and the last one has no in number but 1/2 as my out?
2 answers
I'm so
rry, but I don't understand what you're saying. I understand this method usually, but it's the fractions that are getting me. I just don't understand how you go from 2/5 to 3/5 and then go from 1/10 to 3/10.
rry, but I don't understand what you're saying. I understand this method usually, but it's the fractions that are getting me. I just don't understand how you go from 2/5 to 3/5 and then go from 1/10 to 3/10.