Think about the regions most affected by the Industrial Revolution. What landforms were there? Were they near rivers? Were they near already developed cities? Did towns of the industrial revolution spur cities? As a hint, the Industrial Revolution started in New England. That region contains a lot of rivers good for mills.
Think about the Middle East's resources. The countries often fight over oil. The countries back in history also fought over access to waterways, since the majority of most Middle Eastern Countries is deserts.
What is geography's effect on the Industrial Revolution and the current Mid-East crisis?
2 answers
The powerful western European countries had the money to take raw materials from their colonies around the world and use their knowhow to manufacture finished products.
The Mid-East has few natural resources (except for oil in Saudi Arabia) and therefore life is hard for most of the inhabitants. Palestinians and Israelis are both trying to occupy a very small bit of land.
The Mid-East has few natural resources (except for oil in Saudi Arabia) and therefore life is hard for most of the inhabitants. Palestinians and Israelis are both trying to occupy a very small bit of land.