Genetic engineering, also known as genetic modification, is the manipulation of an organism's genetic material to produce new characteristics or traits. This can involve the creation of entirely new species with desired traits or the modification of existing species to exhibit specific traits. Genetic engineering can occur through selective breeding, gene editing, or other techniques.
One application of genetic engineering is in the field of energy production, where scientists are working on developing biofuels and other renewable energy sources by genetically modifying organisms to enhance their ability to produce energy. This could involve engineering plants or microorganisms to more efficiently convert sunlight into energy, or to produce biofuels or other useful chemicals.
Overall, genetic energy engineering involves harnessing the power of genetics to create new, sustainable energy sources and advance the field of bioenergy.
what is genetic energy engineering a t h e m a n i p u l a t i o n a genetic instructions to produce new characteristics be the creation of a new species that has dissolver traits see a process used by natural selections of too thin up a population d the breeding between the fitness member to produce multiple offsprings
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