What is a short circuit and why is it considered to be a safety hazard?

3 answers

Maria, we do not do your homework for you. After you have done some reading, please repost with your answers. We will be happy to give you suggestions/corrections if needed.
But i don't get it i look at it and it didn't help :( why don't i just go and fail
Whatever book you are using for electronics must have a definition for short circuit. Why not post it and then indicate exactly what part of it are you having trouble with?

PS: Wikipedia says ...
A short circuit is an abnormal low-resistance connection between two nodes of an electrical circuit that are meant to be at different voltages. This results in an excessive electric current (overcurrent) limited only by the Thevenin equivalent resistance of the rest of the network and potentially causes circuit damage, overheating, fire or explosion.

There are some advanced words in there, but you should be able to get the general idea out of that.